Redaxios ValidateStatus

20 mar 2022

Axios the great Http client for browser and nodejs also existing as a minified lib called Redaxios allowing you to perform basic RESTful calls. Both defaultly throws an error while encountering an error scoped http status response (default: 200-399 is a success).
While implementing a form validation I needed more granularity to handle errors. In this way axios provides an config option named ValidateStatus

You can either always return true inside validate status manually and handle every http response code

import redaxios from "redaxios";

const rawResponse = await redaxios.get("/route", {
  validateStatus: () => true,

// => can be anything ( 500, 404, 200...)

Or you can provide your own http status range, in the example below redaxios will throw an error on http status code 500

import redaxios from "redaxios";

const rawResponse = await redaxios.get("/route", {
  validateStatus: (status) => status >= 200 && status <= 499,

// => can be anything between 200 and 499